Hello World 2K24

Preface: This is not a typical post. No guides or linux thoughts here. If you don’t want to read a literal blog post skip this one.

Hello World!

>Hey bro, you haven’t made a blogpost in months, what’s going on?

Hello to my 3 readers of the blog. You may be wondering where I went for the last month or two. If you follow me on the fediverse, you have probably noticed that I’ve been posting an obscene amount lately. The reason why I’ve been spamming your timelines is the same reason I’ve been postponing writing here. A brother is losing his MIND

Semi-Mid Life Crisis

As I get older, I wonder what I’m doing with my life. And if I were to tell you I’m happy with my “current position”, that would be a lie. I can’t really get into specifics about my professional life for multiple reasons, but I think it’s time to move on. Where I don’t have to be by my computer all day every day through weekends and most holidays.

Due to the realization that I only have so much time left to make a massive change in my life, I’ve been spending all of my “hobby time” (when I’m not cooking or working) studying for certifications, sending applications, and researching le job market. I keep joking about it online, but I really have no certifications and no degree. I do have a LOT of experience in my current job with servers and all sorts of “tech things” (way too many to count and list here) but I’ve never set foot in the corporate world. So far, breaking in does not appear to be easy. The recent news of these layoffs is great to hear as well :).

My Current Focus

Currently I’m trying to cram for the CompTIA Security+ exam. It came up on a lot of job positions as a “nice to have” requirement so I’m just cutting right to it and not even bothering with A+ and Network+. I need some way to prove I do in fact know my way around networks and servers, but I can’t go back to college for a degree. So I feel like any time at night I’m able to, I have to work on myself for my future.

In Conclusion.

I don’t want to be giving anyone reading this a sense of doom and gloom like I’m going to be gone off the internet or something like that. I just felt like writing a post today, and if there’s any topic that I should address, it’s my sudden silence here. Once I can stop min-maxing my research time inbetween my other life events I’ll be back to writing “useful” how to guides and thoughts on Linux.

Until then, you’ll likely be hearing my insane ramblings on the fediverse in short form. While I’m trapped at my computer most days, doing menial bullshit monitoring and waiting for messages, I post to have some social interactions with humans. I admit the peak of my socializing is talking to you all. Without the fediverse I’d go insane.

So I’ll never really be gone. I might have to posting so much during the middle of the day but… I’m not going anywhere. Until the whole death thing happens, that is. But I’m going to live forever so no worries.